Diana Reiss

Professor of Psychology, Hunter College; Professor of Biopsychology & Behavioral Neuroscience, The Graduate Center, CUNY

Diana Reiss, Ph.D. is a cognitive psychologist and professor in the Department of Psychology at Hunter College and the Biopsychology and Behavioral Neuroscience sub-program at the Graduate Center, CUNY. Dr. Reiss directs a dolphin cognitive research program at the National Aquarium in Baltimore and is a research associate at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, D.C. where she investigates elephant cognition. She was director of the Marine Mammal Research Program at the Osborn Laboratories of Marine Sciences at the New York Aquarium and co-chair of the Animal Enrichment Program of the Wildlife Conservation Society. Dr. Reiss served as a science advisor of the Animal Welfare Committee of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

Dr. Reiss’s research focuses on cetacean cognition, communication, comparative animal cognition, and the evolution of intelligence. She pioneered the use of underwater keyboards with dolphins to investigate their cognitive and communicative abilities and provide them with more degrees of choice and control. Dr. Reiss and her colleagues demonstrated that bottlenose dolphins and Asian elephants possess the rare ability for mirror self-recognition, previously thought to be restricted to humans and great apes. Her efforts also involve the rescue and rehabilitation of stranded marine mammals including the successful rescue of the renowned Humphrey, the humpback whale in the San Francisco Bay waters. Her advocacy work in conservation and animal welfare includes the protection of dolphins in the tuna-fishing industry and efforts to bring an end to the killing of dolphins in the drive hunts in Japan. Her recent book The Dolphin in the Mirror was released in the fall 2011.

Participant In:

Animal Language

Saturday, November 17th
2:30 - 4:30PM

Past Event

The animal kingdom has evolved multiple adaptive strategies for the efficient transmission of information, one way of defining language. In this roundtable, led by experts in fields ranging from the communication in dolphins, monkeys, and whales to speech recognition technology, we will explore the phonics and sonics of animal communication. Sonic waves–undersea and above ground,… read more »

Human and Nonhuman Minds: Continuities and Discontinuities

Saturday, May 16, 2015
2:30-4:30 pm

Past Event

When Darwin wrote The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, published in 1872, the scientific community was still pondering the question: Do other animals think?  The subsequent prodigious scientific study of animal cognition and behavior has answered this question with an emphatic “yes”! The question now has advanced to: To what degree do… read more »