Andrea Pinotti

Professor of Aesthetics, Department of Philosophy, University of Milan

Andrea Pinotti teaches Aesthetics at the Università degli Studi di Milano and is “Directeur de Programme” at the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris on the project Monument Nonument. His topics are the “Kunstwissenschaft” (Riegl, Wölfflin, Warburg & company), the image-theories, and the empathy-theories. He was a Fellow at the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America of Columbia University, Directeur d’études associé at the EHESS in Paris, Senior Fritz Saxl-Fellow at the Warburg Institute in London, Gastwissenschaftler at the ZfL in Berlin.

He has edited Italian texts by empathy-theorists and art-theorists such as Robert Vischer, Friedrich Theodor Vischer, Theodor Lipps, Moritz Geiger, Alois Riegl, Heinrich Wölfflin, Wilhelm Worringer, Hans Sedlmayr.

Among his publications are: The Body of Style: History of Art as History of Aesthetics in Semper, Riegl, Wölfflin (Il corpo dello stile: Storia dell’arte come storia dell’estetica in Semper, Riegl, Wölfflin, Palermo 1998); Memories of the Neutral: Aby Warburg and the Morphology of the Image(Memorie del neutro: Aby Warburg e la morfologia dell’immagine, Milan 2001); Empathy: History of an Idea from Plato to the Post-Human (Empatia: Storia di un’idea da Platone al postumano, Rome-Bari 2011; French translation in preparation at Vrin’s).

He is also the co-editor of: Images of the Mind. Neurosciences, Art, Philosophy (Immagini della mente. Neuroscienze, arte, filosofia, Milan 2007; with G. Lucignani); Image-Theories. The Contemporary Debate(Teorie dell’immagine. Il dibattito contemporaneo, Milan 2009; with A. Somaini); and Art History and Visual Studies in Europe (Leiden 2012; with M. Rampley, C. Schoell-Glass, H. Locher, T. Lenain, and K. Zijlmans).

Participant In:

Aby Warburg: Art, Neuroscience, and Psychoanalysis: Day 1

Saturday, October 12th
9:00AM - 4:15PM

Past Event

This two-day symposium explores Warburg’s ideas and their adumbrations, e.g., his preoccupations with – and intuitions about – memory, both in relation to different forms of artistic creation and in anticipation of concepts related to neuroplasticity and neuroesthetics; the significance and fluency of the image – its elliptical and metaphoric functions – and of affect… read more »